Love grew out of hatred as the tree's crown, spreading triumphantly in the purest sunlight, yet having, in its high and sunny realm, the same aims -- victory, aggrandizement, temptation -- which hatred pursued by digging its roots ever deeper into all that was profound and evil.
Ⅰ 目前的經濟發展模式與過去不同,過去靠的是省錢來賺錢(Making money by saving money),現在則是靠花錢來賺錢(Making money by spending money)。
Emotional Buy,我消費故我在。
Ⅱ 在品牌的行銷上,沒有所謂地方名牌,只有世界名牌才得以生存。
Ⅲ The deal is one of the largest acquisitions of a European business by an Asian compeny and the largest-ever cross-border takenover by a Taiwanese company. --Financial Times
This transforms BenQ into a major worldwide player. I decided to grab the opportunity... the BenQ-Siemens brand will bring BenQ to the world. --K. Y. Lee
Training camp 第一天,真是太恐怖了。原來以為是來度假一週,早上 6:00 痛苦起床趕火車時,還告訴自己,「沒關係,未來的幾個晚上還可以補眠。」 結果,大錯特錯!我現在還在這裡,還有作業——《如魚得水》(開玩笑的吧,博客來現在賣到缺貨?!)一本要讀,而明天早上要六點起床!根據制式課表,課程從早上八點到晚上九點半,但除了今天晚上,每天都有宵夜——因為,你再也不可能像今晚這麼早(PM 10:00)回寢室了。
其實,渴望學習中心的環境還不錯,中心外的周圍綠地廣闊,可以想像清晨空氣的清新;建築外型設計頗有創意,特別是採光的天井仿羅浮宮的金字塔造型,天氣晴朗時,陽光就毫不客氣,大把大把的灑落;交誼沙發舒服的讓人坐了就不想起來,教室場地也還算中規中矩;餐廳菜色不差,下午 tea time 水果豐盛;有正港的7-11(別懷疑,它的營業時間真的是:早上七點到晚上十一點),傳說中的游泳池、健身房;客房是典雅的歐式,雖然是雙人房加床,也還勉強不擁擠,枕頭、棉被鬆軟,有網路插孔、cable……。
If you want to feel secure do what you already know how to do. But if you want to grow… go to the cutting edge of your competence, which means a temporary loss of security.
So …whenever you don’t quite know you’re doing. Know that you are growing.